Before installation grease an external ring of the bearing of differential.
1. Establish differential in a transmission case. |
Be convinced that did not damage an oil sealing ring at installation of primary shaft.
Before installation grease a working edge of a sealing ring.
Grease the second external ring of the bearing in a transmission case.
2. Establish assembled primary and secondary shaft in a transmission case. |
3. Establish a fork 3-ой/the 4th transfers on the sliding coupling 3-ей/of the 4th transfers, then insert a rod 5-ой/back transfers to a fork and establish a pin of fastening of a rod 5-ой/back transfers. |
At installation use a new cylindrical pin.
4. Combine the lever of a rod of switching 5-ой/back transfers with a rod 5-ой/back transfers and fix a cylindrical pin. |
5. After rod installation 3-ей/the 4th transfers to a fork 3-ей/the 4th transfers, establish a fork 3-ей/the 4th transfers to the lever of a rod of switching 3-ей/the 4th transfers. |
At installation use a new cylindrical pin.
6. Combine the lever of a rod of switching 3-ей/the 4th transfers with a rod and fix a cylindrical pin. |
7. Combine a switching rod 3-ей/the 4th transfers with a switching fork 3-ей/the 4th transfers and fix a cylindrical pin. |
8. Collect a switching fork 1-ой/the 2nd transfers with the sliding coupling 1-ой/2nd of transfers and establish a rod 1-ой/to the 2nd transfers. |
At installation use a new cylindrical pin.
At installation use a new E-shaped lock ring.
9. Combine a switching rod 1-ой/the 2nd transfers with a switching fork 1-ой/the 2nd transfers and fix a cylindrical pin. |
10. Establish an E-shaped lock ring on a rod 5-ой/back transfers. |
11. Combine in a projection the backing lever with the rod lever 5-ой/back transfers and establish the backing lever on the coupling case. |
12. Establish a new sealing ring on a return shaft of gear shifting. |
Establish a sealing ring so that it settled down in an external flute.
13. Insert a shaft into the lever of inclusion of a backing.
14. Establish a pin. |
15. Establish the lever of a spring and fix bolts.
Inhaling moment: 7,8–11,3 N • m
16. Establish the control unit and fix bolts.
Inhaling moment: 7,8–11,3 N • m
At installation of the control unit consider length of bolts (length of a bolt of A of more B).
17. Establish an intermediate shaft and a backing gear wheel. |
18. Establish a magnet. |
Clear hermetic from interfaced surfaces of a case of coupling and a transmission.
19. Apply a thin film Threebond 1216T or 1216TB hermetic on interfaced surfaces of a case of coupling and a transmission. |
20. Establish a transmission case on a case of coupling and fix bolts.
Inhaling moment: 18,6–25,5 N • m
21. Screw a bolt of fastening of an intermediate shaft of a gear wheel of a reverse gear.
Inhaling moment: 18,6–25,5 N • m
As the length of springs of clamps differs from each other correctly choose and establish springs on the places.
Length of a spring of a clamp: 5-ой/back year it is more than 1-ой/than the 2nd, 3-ей/the 4th transfers.
Put hermetic on a carving of a stopper of a clamp.
22. Establish a steel ball and a spring and screw a clamp stopper. Inhaling moment: 15–20 N • m
23. Establish a conducted gear wheel of the 5th transfer. |
As the form of a ring of the synchronizer differs from each other at assembly it it is necessary to consider.
In a ring of the synchronizer of transfer of a backing there are admissions of teeths in three places.
Pay attention to the direction of installation of the plug of a gear wheel of the 5th transfer.
Length: A> B
24. Establish the plug of a gear wheel of the 5th transfer, a gear wheel of the 5th transfer and a synchronizer ring |
Establish a lubricant flute of the plug of a gear wheel of the 5th transfer from a gear wheel of the 5th transfer.
25. Establish a fork of the 5th transfer to a flute of the synchronizer of the 5th transfer. |
26. Establish a synchronizer ring. |
27. Establish on primary shaft the coupling of the synchronizer and a konusny ring of a reverse gear. |
At installation use a new cylindrical pin.
28. Fix a fork of the 5th transfer by a cylindrical pin. |
29. At the same time include gear wheels of the 1st and 2nd transfer in order that primary shaft of a transmission was not turned. |
30. The adaptation OK201 171 010 block primary shaft of a transmission. |
At installation use a new lock-nut.
31. Tighten a lock-nut and for fixing it from an otvorachivaniye bend fillets of a plate fixing a lock-nut Inhaling moment: 127–206 N • m
32. By the indicator of hour type measure люфт gear wheels of the 5th transfer and the konusny plug of a backing.
Люфт: Gear wheels of the 5th transfer: 0,07–0,39 mm Konusna of the backing plug: 0,1–0,25 mm
If люфт exceeds admissible limits, repeatedly disassemble and collect a transmission.
Clear hermetic from interfaced surfaces of a back cover and a transmission case.
33. Apply a thin film Threebond 1216T or 1216TB hermetic on interfaced surfaces of a case of a transmission and a back cover. |
34. Establish a back cover taking into account the provision of deepening for the konusny plug of a backing and fix bolts.
Inhaling moment: 7,8–11,3 N • m
35. Establish a washer on the switch of a lamp of a backing and screw the switch. Inhaling moment: 20–29,4 N • m
36. Establish the sensor of speed to the conducted mechanism of a speedometer.
Inhaling moment: 7,8–11,3 N • m
37. Establish the plug on draft of gear shifting. |
38. Establish the bearing and a fork of switching off of coupling. |
39. Remove a transmission from the stand OK130 990 007 with OK130175011A adapter. |
Do not damage a transmission case.
40. A screw-driver and a hammer beat out an external ring of the bearing of a secondary shaft from a transmission case. |