Before installation of a case of coupling adjust a tightness of bearings selection and installation of adjusting laying:
– tightness of primary shaft; – tightness of a secondary shaft; – differential tightness.
After measurement of preliminary loading use the picked-up laying as adjusting. Grease adjusting laying and external rings of bearings with oil for a transmission.
1. After installation of adjusting laying in a nest of a case of a transmission establish an external ring of the bearing of a secondary shaft. |
Oil for a transmission an external surface of an oil sealing ring.
2. Using an opravka of OK201 170 AA1 establish in a nest of a case of a transmission an oil sealing ring of differential. |
3. Using an opravka of OK201 170 AA1 establish in a nest of a case of coupling an oil sealing ring of differential. |
Establish adjusting laying which was selected at adjustment of a tightness of bearings of differential.
Grease adjusting laying and external rings of bearings with oil for a transmission.
4. After installation of adjusting laying in a nest of a case of a transmission establish an external ring of the bearing of differential. |
5. Using an opravka of OK201 170 AA1 establish in a nest of a case of coupling an external ring of the bearing. |
Oil for a transmission an external surface of an oil sealing ring of draft of gear shifting.
6. Establish an oil sealing ring. |
Oil for a transmission an external ring of the bearing of a secondary shaft.
7. Establish a bell and an external ring of the bearing of a secondary shaft in a nest of a case of coupling. |
8. After installation of new laying establish a plate and fix bolts. Inhaling moment: 6,8–9,8 N • m
Establish a protective cover so that the opening for removal of air settled down from below.
9. Establish a cover on a gear shifting rod. |
10. Establish the lever and a switching rod in a coupling case. |
11. After installation of the lever and a rod of switching tighten a bolt. Inhaling moment: 11,7–13,7 N • m
12. Establish a shaft of a drive of a speedometer and a gear wheel on the plug. |
13. Establish a new sealing ring of round section on the speedometer plug. |
14. Establish the mechanism of a drive of a speedometer on a case of coupling and fix a bolt.
Inhaling moment: 6,8–9,8 N • m