1–cranked shaft; 2–drive plate; 3–torque converter; 4–turbine shaft; 5–shaft of the oil pump; 6–oil pump; 7–coupling of transfers of a forward course; 8–movement coupling by inertia; 9–coupling 3-ей/4th transfers; 10-coupling of transfer of a backing; 11-brake tapes 2-ой/of the 4th transfers; 12-coupling of the bottom transfers and backing; 13-unilateral coupling number 1 (type of an ekstsentrikovy roller);
14-unilateral coupling number 2 (type roller or ekstsentrikovy roller); 15-big solar gear wheel; 16-small solar gear wheel; 17-satellite; 18-drove; 19-internal gear wheel; 20-parking gear wheel; 21-target gear wheel; 22-intermediate gear wheel; 23-cylindrical gear wheel.