since 2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Remove the block of valves of management and completely clear it if coupling or a brake tape burned slightly or quality of liquid in an automatic transmission worsened.


+ 1.1. Short acquaintance to the car
+ 2. Engines A3E, A5D
+ 3. Greasing system
+ 4. Cooling system
+ 5. Fuel system
+ 6. Ignition system
+ 7. Coupling
- 8. Transmission
   + 8.1. Mechanical transmission
   - 8.2. Automatic transmission of F4E-K
      8.2.1. Specifications
      8.2.2. Check of work and adjustment of position of the lever of the selector
      8.2.3. Testing of collaboration of an automatic transmission and the engine on the motionless car (stall test)
      8.2.4. Testing of a time lag (Lag test)
      8.2.5. Check of pressure of transmission liquid
      8.2.6. Check of level and liquid replacement in an automatic transmission
      8.2.7. Procedure of replacement of liquid in the converter of an automatic transmission
      8.2.8. Leakages of liquid from an automatic transmission
      8.2.9. Replacement of oil sealing rings
      8.2.10. Removal and installation of an automatic transmission
      8.2.11. Repair of an automatic transmission
      8.2.12. Radiator of cooling of liquid of an automatic transmission
      8.2.13. Block of valves
      8.2.14. The case of regulating valves
      8.2.15. Oil pump
      8.2.16. Check of resistance of the sensor of frequency of rotation of an entrance shaft \turbine wheel
      8.2.17. Check of resistance of the sensor of speed
      8.2.18. Switch of operating modes of a transmission of O\D
      8.2.19. Switch of a range of a transmission
      8.2.20. Sensor of temperature of an automatic transmission
      8.2.21. Electromagnetic valves
      8.2.22. Linear electromagnetic valve
      8.2.23. Selector lever
      8.2.24. Repair of the lever of the selector
      8.2.25. Check of functioning of the mechanism of blocking of the lever of the selector
+ 9. Axes and power shafts
+ 10. Suspension bracket
+ 11. Wheels and tires
+ 12. Steering
+ 13. Brake system
+ 14. Body
+ 15. Air central air
+ 16. Electric equipment

8.2.11. Repair of an automatic transmission


Automatic transmission

1–torque converter;
2–shaft of the oil pump;
3–pipe of the index of level and oil filling;
4–sensor of frequency of rotation of an entrance shaft / turbine wheel;
5–switch of a range of a transmission;
6–arm of a cable of the selector;
8–sensor of provision of a cranked shaft;
9–sensor of speed and gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer;
10-entrance pipe;
11-target pipe;
12-oil pallet;
13-laying to (replace);
14-case of the block of valves;
15-oil pump.

Automatic transmission

1–lock ring;
2–coupling forward / backing;
3–small solar gear wheel and coupling No. 1;
4–brake tapes 2-ой/of the 4th transfers;
5–anchor rack and pin;
6–lock ring;
7–coupling No. 2 and planetary block;
8–holder of the servo-driver;
9–servo-driver piston;
10-piston rod;
11-lock ring;
12-internal gear wheel;
13-coupling 3-ей/4th transfers.

Automatic transmission

1–turbine shaft;
2–exit case;
8–holder of the lever;
9–parking lever;
10-lock lever;
11-returnable spring;
13-modulator support;
14-transmission case.

Automatic transmission

2–a cylindrical pin to (replace);
3–case of bearings;
4–intermediate gear wheel;
5–target gear wheel;
6–bearing cover;
7–external rings of bearings to (replace);
8–adjusting laying to (replace);
9–an oil sealing ring to (replace);
10-sealing rings to (replace);
11-converter case.

General recommendations

Dismantling of an automatic transmission carry out in a place protected from a dust, for an exception of pollution of details of a transmission.

When dismantling check a condition of details of a transmission on lack of wear and damages.

For division of parts of a case use only plastic hammers.

Do not use rags when dismantling transmission: fibers of rags can hammer channels for liquid.

Some details are similar at each other therefore when dismantling arrange them so that not to mix them.
1. Before dismantling clear an external surface of a transmission a cleaner or solvent.
2. Clear the removed details solvent and dry up the compressed air. Clear all channels and openings the compressed air and check that in them there are no barriers.


When cleaning details by the compressed air dress points.

Be careful not to spill liquid at removal of the converter of a torque.


1. Remove the torque converter from a converter case.
2. Manually remove a shaft of the oil pump.
3. Remove a pipe of the index of level and oil filling.
4. Remove the sensor of frequency of rotation of an entrance shaft / the turbine.
5. Remove the switch of a range of a transmission.
6. Remove an arm of a cable of the selector.
7. Remove an arm.
8. Remove the sensor of provision of a cranked shaft.
9. Remove the sensor of speed and a gear wheel of a drive of a speedometer.
10. Remove an entrance pipe.
11. Remove a target pipe.
12. Collect the special adaptation OK130 990 007 with the holder OK130 175 011A.


Do not incline a transmission in one party in the course of dismantling as it can suddenly turn over and put a trauma.

Before a perevorachivaniye of a transmission remove the oil pallet. It guarantees that all extraneous inclusions and particles remain in the pallet.

13. Turn out nineteen bolts and remove the oil pallet.
Investigate everything extraneous inclusions and the particles found in the pallet and on a magnet to define a condition of details of a transmission. Existence of particles of wear of coupling testifies to wear of a plate of a drive or brake tapes. Steel particles on a magnet testify to wear of bearings, gear wheels or drive plates. Existence of aluminum particles testifies to wear of plugs or a transmission case.
In the presence of a large number of extraneous inclusions and particles, replace the converter of a torque and carefully check a condition of details of a transmission.
14. Remove a clip (one bolt).
15. Disconnect electromagnetic valves.
16. Turn out three bolts and remove the mesh filter.

17. Turn out bolts of A, B and C and remove the arms shown in drawing.

Length of bolts (measured from the head basis):

А: 30 mm
В: 50 mm
С: 14 mm

18. Remove the case of the block of valves of management.
19. Remove a shaft and a plate:
      – weaken nuts and extend a shaft;
      – turn out nuts, remove a washer and a plate.
20. Turn out a bolt and remove the holder of the lever of a parking.
21. Turn out two bolts of the holder of the lever of a parking.
22. Remove the lock lever and a returnable spring.
23. Remove a modulator support.
24. Turn out ten bolts and remove the oil pump.
25. Remove coupling forward / a backing:

      – remove a lock ring of a shaft of a turbine wheel;
      – lift assembled coupling forward / a backing and remove it from a transmission.

26. Remove a small solar gear wheel and coupling No. 1.


Use a wire piece for fastening of a brake tape so that it was not damaged at a pulling.

27. Remove brake tapes 2-4.
28. Remove a pin, thus support an anchor rack.
29. Remove an anchor rack.
30. Remove the servo-driver:

      – compress the piston of the servo-driver and remove a lock ring;
      – remove the holder of the servo-driver, the piston and a spring.

31. Remove unilateral coupling No. 2 and planetary assembly:

      – remove a lock ring;
– remove unilateral coupling No. 2 together with planetary assembly;
      – remove a frictional plate.

32. Remove an internal gear wheel:

      – remove a lock ring;
  – remove an internal gear wheel from the exit case.

33. Remove the block of coupling 3–4:

      – remove a sealing ring from a turbine shaft sideways the converter;
      – deduce a turbine shaft to remove the block of coupling 3–4;
remove the block of coupling 3–4 of a turbine shaft.

34. Turn out bolts (from the converter – eight bolts and from a transmission case – seven bolts) and remove a transmission case, striking on it with a plastic hammer.

35. Remove the exit case from a target gear wheel.

36. Remove differential.
37. Remove the case of bearings:

      – a hammer and a round drift beat out a cylindrical pin;
      – turn out eleven bolts of fastening of the case of bearings;
      – remove the case of bearings, striking on it with a plastic hammer.
38. Remove the block of an intermediate gear wheel and knot of a target gear wheel, beating out them from the torque converter.

39. Uncover bearings:

      – turn out bolts of fastening of a cover of bearings;
      – the special adaptation OK130 175 011A remove the converter case;
– squeeze out a cover of bearings from the converter case.


Establish earlier removed external ring of the bearing during repeated assembly to adjust a preliminary tightness of bearings.

40. The special adaptation OK130 170 012 remove an external ring of the bearing.



If the plate of a drive or a brake tape are replaced new, before installation impregnate a new detail in liquid for an automatic transmission during, at least two hours.

Before assembly grease with liquid for an automatic transmission all oil sealing rings, rotating details, sealing rings of round section and mobile details.

All sealing rings of round section, oil sealing rings and laying should be replaced with the new.

At repeated assembly use technical vaseline, but do not grease with konsistentny greasing.

When it is necessary to replace the plug, replace a detail (knot) containing same plug.

After hermetic drawing assembly is necessary for making within 10 minutes and to sustain 30 minutes before filling with liquid for an automatic transmission.

External diameter of bearings and kacheniye surfaces

2, 6
Diameter of the bearing, mm
Diameter of a surface of a kacheniye, mm


1. Combine a cover of bearings with directing bolts and press it, as is shown in drawing.

Inhaling moment: 10,8–13,7 N • m

2. Tapping with a plastic hammer establish assembled an intermediate gear wheel and a target gear wheel.
3. Establish the bearing case:

      – establish the bearing case on a converter casing;
      – combine deepening on intermediate to a shaft with a label on the bearing case;
      – a hammer and a thin drift establish a cylindrical pin;
      – screw eleven bolts.

Inhaling moment: 19–25 N • m

4. Establish a parking stopper:

      – establish a stopper of a parking and a shaft;
      – establish a spring and a lock ring.
      – manually move a shaft and be convinced that the stopper of a parking works.
5. Establish a support of the modulator and fix new bolts.

Inhaling moment: 15–17 N • m

6. Establish the lever of a clamp and a returnable spring.
7. Establish the parking lever.
8. Establish the holder of the lever and a bolt.

Inhaling moment: 7,9–10,7 N • m

9. Establish a plate and a shaft:

      – establish a plate a washer and nuts;
      – tighten nuts the demanded moment.

Inhaling moment: 42–54 N • m

10. Establish differential in a converter casing. Establish the special adaptation OK201 270 014.
11. Establish a new oil sealing ring on the block of a target gear wheel.
12. Establish the case of an exit to a target gear wheel and establish a bearing ring on the exit case.

External diameter of the bearing: 72,1 mm

13. Apply a thin film silicone TB-1217B hermetic on interfaced surfaces of a casing of the converter and a transmission case.
14. Establish new sealing rings on a converter casing.


Check that hermetic will not be squeezed out to canals for greasing at installation of a case of a transmission.

15. Fix a transmission case to a converter casing.

Inhaling moment: 38–51 N • m

16. For support of a shaft of the turbine establish the special adaptation OK201 190 019.

17. Establish a shaft of the turbine and the block of coupling 3–4:

      – collect a shaft of the turbine and the block of coupling 3–4;
      – check that the axial bearing is established properly;
      – establish a shaft of the turbine and the block of coupling 3–4 in a transmission case as assembly.

18. Establish an internal gear wheel:

      – establish an internal gear wheel in the exit case;
      – establish a spring lock ring.

19. Establish planetary assembly:

      – check that the axial bearing and a surface of a kacheniye of the bearing are established properly;
– one hand hold a turbine shaft from a provorachivaniye;
      – establish planetary assembly and a drum of coupling 3–4, turning it.

20. Establish brake tapes of the lowest transfers, transfers of a backing and a drive plate.

21. Establish a fastening plate.

22. Establish a spring lock ring.
23. To establish a frictional disk.

24. To establish unilateral coupling No. 2:

      – hold unilateral coupling No. 2 horizontally;
      – establish it, turning planetary assembly counter-clockwise;
      – establish a spring lock ring.
25. Establish an anchor rack and a shaft.


The lock of a brake tape 2-4 and anchor rack are held apart, as is shown in drawing.

26. Establish a brake tape 2-4 in a transmission case so that the tape was completely free.

27. Establish a small solar gear wheel and unilateral coupling No. 1:

      – check that the axial bearing and a surface of a kacheniye of the bearing are established in the correct situation;
      – turning, establish a small solar gear wheel and unilateral couplings No. 1.

28. Establish coupling forward / a backing:

      – check that the axial bearing is established in the correct situation;
      – turning, establish coupling forward / a backing.


The height of installation of coupling forward / a backing in relation to a flange of a case of a transmission is various.

Maximum height: 0,9 mm

29. Establish a spring lock ring in deepening of a shaft of the turbine.

30. Measure a gap between a flange and an end face of the bearing of a kacheniye as follows:

      – establish the bearing on coupling forward / a backing;
      – remove previously the established surface of a kacheniye and laying;
      – establish the thickest laying (2,2 mm) on the oil pump;
      – establish the oil pump on coupling assembly, without establishing laying of the oil pump.


At this stage do not establish laying of the oil pump.

      – measure a gap And between a case of a transmission and the oil pump;
      – according to the measured gap choose laying of a certain thickness;

Gap And, mm
Thickness of laying, mm

      – remove the oil pump;
      – establish a surface of a kacheniye of the bearing and new laying on the oil pump;
      – establish the oil pump on a transmission.

Inhaling moment: 19–25 N • m

31. Check adjustment of brake tapes 2-4 as follows:

      – establish the servo-driver piston on the adaptation OK201 190 021;
      – establish a sealing ring of round section on the holder of the servo-driver with the adaptation OK201 190 021;
      – grease a sealing ring of round section with liquid for automatic transmissions and establish assembly of a tape of the servo-driver with the adaptation in a case of a transmission and fix a spring lock ring;


Check that brake tapes of 2-4 transfers are located opposite to a core of the piston of the servo-driver.

      – establish a measuring tip of the indicator of hour type in an end face of a core of the piston;

      – submit the compressed air via the channel of supply of liquid with the air nozzle, condensed by rubber and measure a core course;

Pressure of air: at most 392 kPas
Core course: 1,0–7,0 mm

      – if the course of a core does not correspond demanded, choose the corresponding core;

Length of a core of the piston mm: 95,0, 95,5, 96,0, 96,5, 97,0, 97,5, 98,0, 98,5, 99,0

      – remove assembly of a tape of the servo-driver with the adaptation.


At removal do not damage a spring lock ring.

32. Establish the servo-driver in a transmission case:

      – establish a spring of the servo-driver and servo-driver assembly.
      – establish a spring lock ring.
      – establish a brake tape 2-4 on a core of the servo-driver of the piston.

33. Combine the mechanical valve with a pin on a plate and establish the case of the regulating valve.

Inhaling moment: 7,9–10,7 N • m
Length of bolts (measured from the head basis):

А: 30 mm
В: 50 mm
С: 14 mm

34. Connect the electromagnetic valve and the socket of the sensor of temperature of liquid in an automatic transmission.

35. Connect the socket of the electromagnetic valve.


Establish magnets in the oil pallet in the places shown in drawing.

36. Establish new laying and the oil pallet and fix it nineteen bolts.

Inhaling moment: 8,4–10,7 N • m

37. Establish an entrance and target pipe.
38. Establish the sensor of speed and the mechanism of a drive of a speedometer.
39. Establish the sensor of an angle of rotation of a cranked shaft.
40. Establish an arm.

41. Establish the switch of a range of a transmission:

      – manually turn a shaft in a position N;
      – establish the switch of a range of a transmission;
      – tighten bolts of fastening of the switch of a range of a transmission;

Inhaling moment: 7,9–10,7 N • m
      – check that position of the lever of the selector and the indicator of the chosen position coincide.

42. Remove a transmission from the special adaptation 130 990 007/OK130 175 011A.
43. Establish a new sealing ring and a pipe of the index of level and oil filling.

Inhaling moment: 7,9–10,7 N • m

44. Establish the sensor of frequency of rotation of an entrance shaft / a turbine wheel.

Inhaling moment: 7,9–10,7 N • m

45. Establish a shaft of the oil pump.
46. Establish a sealing ring on a turbine shaft.

47. Fill the converter with liquid for automatic transmissions.

Liquid type for an automatic transmission: SK ATF SP–III or DIAMOND ATF SP–III


When filling with liquid keep the converter in vertical situation. Do not pour liquid.

If the converter is not established easily, do not apply to it big efforts: establish carefully.

Do not damage a sealing ring of a shaft of a turbine wheel.

48. Establish the converter in a converter casing, turn it for combination of grooves.
49. Check correctness of installation of the converter, measuring distance And between an end face of the converter and a flange of a case of a transmission.

A distance: 13.6 mm